  cscart_categories.storefront_id, as seo_name, 
  cscart_seo_names.path as seo_path, 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_category_descriptions ON cscart_categories.category_id = cscart_category_descriptions.category_id 
  AND cscart_category_descriptions.lang_code = 'ru' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_seo_names ON cscart_seo_names.object_id = cscart_categories.category_id 
  AND cscart_seo_names.type = 'c' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.dispatch = '' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.lang_code = 'ru' 
  1 = 1 
  AND (
    cscart_categories.usergroup_ids = '' 
      0, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
      1, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
  AND cscart_categories.status IN ('A') 
  AND cscart_categories.parent_id IN (888) 
  AND cscart_categories.id_path LIKE '731/798/879/888/%' 
  AND cscart_categories.category_id != 265 
  AND cscart_categories.parent_id != 265 
  AND cscart_categories.storefront_id IN (0, 1) 
  cscart_categories.is_trash asc, 
  cscart_categories.position asc, 
  cscart_category_descriptions.category asc

Query time 0.00278

JSON explain

  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "filesort": {
      "sort_key": "cscart_categories.is_trash, cscart_categories.position, cscart_category_descriptions.category",
      "temporary_table": {
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_categories",
          "access_type": "ref",
          "possible_keys": [
          "key": "parent",
          "key_length": "3",
          "used_key_parts": ["parent_id"],
          "ref": ["const"],
          "rows": 49,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "(cscart_categories.usergroup_ids = '' or find_in_set(0,cscart_categories.usergroup_ids) or find_in_set(1,cscart_categories.usergroup_ids)) and cscart_categories.`status` = 'A' and cscart_categories.id_path like '731/798/879/888/%' and cscart_categories.category_id <> 265 and cscart_categories.storefront_id in (0,1)"
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_category_descriptions",
          "access_type": "eq_ref",
          "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
          "key": "PRIMARY",
          "key_length": "9",
          "used_key_parts": ["category_id", "lang_code"],
          "ref": ["admin_test.cscart_categories.category_id", "const"],
          "rows": 1,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "trigcond(cscart_category_descriptions.lang_code = 'ru')"
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_seo_names",
          "access_type": "ref",
          "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "dispatch"],
          "key": "PRIMARY",
          "key_length": "206",
          "used_key_parts": ["object_id", "type", "dispatch", "lang_code"],
          "ref": [
          "rows": 1,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "trigcond(cscart_seo_names.`type` = 'c' and cscart_seo_names.dispatch = '' and cscart_seo_names.lang_code = 'ru')"


category_id parent_id id_path category position status company_id storefront_id seo_name seo_path ab__lc_catalog_image_control ab__fn_category_status ab__fn_label_color ab__fn_label_background ab__fn_use_origin_image ab__fn_label_text ab__fn_label_show
889 888 731/798/879/888/889 2 Lines 0 A 0 0 2-lines 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
890 888 731/798/879/888/890 360 Magnet 0 A 0 0 360-magnet 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
891 888 731/798/879/888/891 AG-Case 0 A 0 0 ag-case 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
892 888 731/798/879/888/892 Apple Case iPhone 0 A 0 0 apple-case-iphone 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
893 888 731/798/879/888/893 Auto Focus 0 A 0 0 auto-focus 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
894 888 731/798/879/888/894 Baseus 0 A 0 0 baseus 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
895 888 731/798/879/888/895 Benks 0 A 0 0 benks 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
896 888 731/798/879/888/896 BOROFONE 0 A 0 0 borofone 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
897 888 731/798/879/888/897 Breaking 0 A 0 0 breaking 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
898 888 731/798/879/888/898 Creative Phone Case 0 A 0 0 creative-phone-case 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
899 888 731/798/879/888/899 Crystal Case 0 A 0 0 crystal-case 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
900 888 731/798/879/888/900 Deppa 0 A 0 0 deppa 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
901 888 731/798/879/888/901 Dfans 0 A 0 0 dfans 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
902 888 731/798/879/888/902 Everstone 0 A 0 0 everstone 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
903 888 731/798/879/888/903 Fashion Case 0 A 0 0 fashion-case 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
904 888 731/798/879/888/904 Focus Pixels 0 A 0 0 focus-pixels 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
905 888 731/798/879/888/905 Geniss 0 A 0 0 geniss 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
906 888 731/798/879/888/906 Gresso 0 A 0 0 gresso 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
907 888 731/798/879/888/907 Hiha Canvas 0 A 0 0 hiha-canvas 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
908 888 731/798/879/888/908 HOCO 0 A 0 0 hoco 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
909 888 731/798/879/888/909 ILEX 0 A 0 0 ilex 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
910 888 731/798/879/888/910 K DOO 0 A 0 0 k-doo 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
922 888 731/798/879/888/922 Kajsa 0 A 0 0 kajsa 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
923 888 731/798/879/888/923 Keephone 0 A 0 0 keephone 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
924 888 731/798/879/888/924 LuxCase 0 A 0 0 luxcase 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
925 888 731/798/879/888/925 LUXO 0 A 0 0 luxo 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
926 888 731/798/879/888/926 New Case / New Fashion 0 A 0 0 new-case-new-fashion 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
927 888 731/798/879/888/927 NEWZONE 0 A 0 0 newzone 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
928 888 731/798/879/888/928 NIMMY 0 A 0 0 nimmy 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
929 888 731/798/879/888/929 NY 0 A 0 0 ny 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
930 888 731/798/879/888/930 Raigor 0 A 0 0 raigor 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
931 888 731/798/879/888/931 Remax 0 A 0 0 remax 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
932 888 731/798/879/888/932 ROCK Case 0 A 0 0 rock-case 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
933 888 731/798/879/888/933 Santa Barbara 0 A 0 0 santa-barbara 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
934 888 731/798/879/888/934 Secret Garden 0 A 0 0 secret-garden 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
935 888 731/798/879/888/935 The Bling World 0 A 0 0 the-bling-world 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
936 888 731/798/879/888/936 uBear 0 A 0 0 ubear 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
937 888 731/798/879/888/937 UNIQUE 0 A 0 0 unique 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
938 888 731/798/879/888/938 Uyitlo 0 A 0 0 uyitlo 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
939 888 731/798/879/888/939 Vespa 0 A 0 0 vespa 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
940 888 731/798/879/888/940 Younicou 0 A 0 0 younicou 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
941 888 731/798/879/888/941 Карбон 0 A 0 0 karbon 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
942 888 731/798/879/888/942 Книжки 0 A 0 0 knizhki 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
943 888 731/798/879/888/943 Плетеные 0 A 0 0 pletenye 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
944 888 731/798/879/888/944 Под кожу 0 A 0 0 pod-kozhu 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
945 888 731/798/879/888/945 Под стекло 0 A 0 0 pod-steklo 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
946 888 731/798/879/888/946 Прозрачные 0 A 0 0 prozrachnye 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
947 888 731/798/879/888/947 Прочее 0 A 0 0 prochee 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
948 888 731/798/879/888/948 С кольцом 0 A 0 0 s-kolcom 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
949 888 731/798/879/888/949 С принтом 0 A 0 0 s-printom 731/798/879/888 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
1298 888 731/798/879/888/1298 Piblue 10 A 0 0 piblue 731/798/879/888 none N #ffffff #222222 N N