  cscart_categories.storefront_id, as seo_name, 
  cscart_seo_names.path as seo_path, 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_category_descriptions ON cscart_categories.category_id = cscart_category_descriptions.category_id 
  AND cscart_category_descriptions.lang_code = 'ru' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_seo_names ON cscart_seo_names.object_id = cscart_categories.category_id 
  AND cscart_seo_names.type = 'c' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.dispatch = '' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.lang_code = 'ru' 
  1 = 1 
  AND (
    cscart_categories.usergroup_ids = '' 
      0, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
      1, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
  AND cscart_categories.status IN ('A') 
  AND cscart_categories.parent_id IN (828) 
  AND cscart_categories.id_path LIKE '731/798/799/828/%' 
  AND cscart_categories.category_id != 265 
  AND cscart_categories.parent_id != 265 
  AND cscart_categories.storefront_id IN (0, 1) 
  cscart_categories.is_trash asc, 
  cscart_categories.position asc, 
  cscart_category_descriptions.category asc

Query time 0.00236

JSON explain

  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "filesort": {
      "sort_key": "cscart_categories.is_trash, cscart_categories.position, cscart_category_descriptions.category",
      "temporary_table": {
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_categories",
          "access_type": "ref",
          "possible_keys": [
          "key": "parent",
          "key_length": "3",
          "used_key_parts": ["parent_id"],
          "ref": ["const"],
          "rows": 26,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "(cscart_categories.usergroup_ids = '' or find_in_set(0,cscart_categories.usergroup_ids) or find_in_set(1,cscart_categories.usergroup_ids)) and cscart_categories.`status` = 'A' and cscart_categories.id_path like '731/798/799/828/%' and cscart_categories.category_id <> 265 and cscart_categories.storefront_id in (0,1)"
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_category_descriptions",
          "access_type": "eq_ref",
          "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
          "key": "PRIMARY",
          "key_length": "9",
          "used_key_parts": ["category_id", "lang_code"],
          "ref": ["admin_test.cscart_categories.category_id", "const"],
          "rows": 1,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "trigcond(cscart_category_descriptions.lang_code = 'ru')"
        "table": {
          "table_name": "cscart_seo_names",
          "access_type": "ref",
          "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "dispatch"],
          "key": "PRIMARY",
          "key_length": "206",
          "used_key_parts": ["object_id", "type", "dispatch", "lang_code"],
          "ref": [
          "rows": 1,
          "filtered": 100,
          "attached_condition": "trigcond(cscart_seo_names.`type` = 'c' and cscart_seo_names.dispatch = '' and cscart_seo_names.lang_code = 'ru')"


category_id parent_id id_path category position status company_id storefront_id seo_name seo_path ab__lc_catalog_image_control ab__fn_category_status ab__fn_label_color ab__fn_label_background ab__fn_use_origin_image ab__fn_label_text ab__fn_label_show
829 828 731/798/799/828/829 2 Lines 0 A 0 0 2-lines 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
830 828 731/798/799/828/830 Breaking 0 A 0 0 breaking 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
831 828 731/798/799/828/831 c Визитнецей 0 A 0 0 c-vizitnecey 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
832 828 731/798/799/828/832 Deppa 0 A 0 0 deppa 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
833 828 731/798/799/828/833 Everstone 0 A 0 0 everstone 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
834 828 731/798/799/828/834 Fashion Case 0 A 0 0 fashion-case 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
835 828 731/798/799/828/835 Gresso 0 A 0 0 gresso 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
836 828 731/798/799/828/836 HDD 0 A 0 0 hdd 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
837 828 731/798/799/828/837 High Quality 0 A 0 0 high-quality 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
838 828 731/798/799/828/838 Imike 0 A 0 0 imike 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
839 828 731/798/799/828/839 K DOO 0 A 0 0 k-doo 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
840 828 731/798/799/828/840 Puloka 0 A 0 0 puloka 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
841 828 731/798/799/828/841 Santa Barbara 0 A 0 0 santa-barbara 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
842 828 731/798/799/828/842 Sega 0 A 0 0 sega 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
843 828 731/798/799/828/843 Thin 0 A 0 0 thin 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
844 828 731/798/799/828/844 Vespa 0 A 0 0 vespa 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
845 828 731/798/799/828/845 Книжки 0 A 0 0 knizhki 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
846 828 731/798/799/828/846 Накладки Samsung 0 A 0 0 nakladki-samsung 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
847 828 731/798/799/828/847 Накладки Senimo 0 A 0 0 nakladki-senimo 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
848 828 731/798/799/828/848 Накладки UYITLO 0 A 0 0 nakladki-uyitlo 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
849 828 731/798/799/828/849 Плетенка 0 A 0 0 pletenka 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
850 828 731/798/799/828/850 Под кожу 0 A 0 0 pod-kozhu 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
851 828 731/798/799/828/851 Прозрачные 0 A 0 0 prozrachnye 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
852 828 731/798/799/828/852 Прочие 0 A 0 0 prochie 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
853 828 731/798/799/828/853 Силиконовые чехлы 0 A 0 0 silikonovye-chehly 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
854 828 731/798/799/828/854 Стекляные 0 A 0 0 steklyanye 731/798/799/828 none Y #ffffff #333333 N Y
1296 828 731/798/799/828/1296 Piblue 10 A 0 0 piblue 731/798/799/828 none N #ffffff #222222 N N